Quarterly Newsletter – Q2 2024
In hopes of spreading the word to more of the community, we would like to share what the non-profit has been doing for the past few months as well as what we have planned.
Greetings, and thank you for reading the Q2 2024 Radio Reconnaissance Project quarterly newsletter! In hopes of spreading the word to more of the community, we would like to share what the non-profit has been doing for the past few months as well as what we have planned.
Past events and activities
This quarter, we had the privilege to support the RROC once again by sponsoring the RRP Marine of the Year award. This year's winner is Sgt Dave Ahyee from 1st RRP. He was unanimously selected by platoon leadership for setting the standard. In addition to being awarded the RRP Marine of the year plaque, the RRProject will also sponsor $250 towards his next paddle when he leaves 1st. Also, this year the RRProject was very proud to sponsor the Gung Ho and Honor Graduate awards at the RROC. Many thanks to Dan Stinson and his company Raven Group International, Inc. for donating to the non-profit and covering those costs.
Present and Future endeavors
The big event we are getting ready for is the 2024 reunion. In case you have not heard, this year’s reunion will be held at San Vicente Resort in Ramona, CA over Labor Day weekend. We have the entire resort blocked off for the RRP community on Friday and Saturday (Aug 30 and 31), and we will have events including a welcome BBQ, a golf tournament, and banquet. Feel free to reserve your room at the resort using the code “Al Gray 2824”. For the golf tournament, we are looking for donors to sponsor the holes (longest drive, closest to the pin, etc.). If interested, please reach out for more details. At the banquet after the tournament, we plan on running a silent auction. If you have items or services you want to include/donate for the auction, please contact us. Either way, we look forward to seeing you all out there.
In preparation for the reunion, we will also be doing another T-shirt drive featuring this year’s reunion graphic. The plan is to run that drive so people can receive their shirts in time for the reunion. Additionally, we are in the process of setting up a store for all your RRP swag.
Closing Remarks
Thanks again for being involved and reading our quarterly newsletter. In efforts to spread the word, please feel free to forward this newsletter to other members of the community. Feel free to reach out to us or fill in this form to be added to the mailing list for these and other announcements.
We would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to everyone that has supported us financially through either personal or corporate donations. We would not be here without you. We appreciate your continued support as we provide various services to the Radio Reconnaissance community. As we look to continue and grow, please consider supporting our fundraising drives and/or donating to the non-profit in the future.
As always, feel free to reach out to us about anything RRP-related. Also, follow us on social media to stay up to date on what we are doing. If you have any photos that you are willing to share, please reach out to our VP of Social Media so that we can continue to post and engage with our community.
Thanks again for reading and take care.
Semper Fidelis,
Radio Reconnaissance Project
Join the mailing list
Instagram: @radio_reconnaissance_project
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/radio-reconnaissance-project/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radioreconnaissanceproject/
Website: https://www.radioreconnaissanceproject.com/
Quarterly Newsletter – Q1 2024
In Q4 2023, we ran our platoon-themed poster fundraiser featuring the art of the Radio Reconnaissance Project’s VP of Social Media, Sean Otwell. Many thanks to everyone that supported that drive and to Sean for the fantastic artwork. We have received a lot of interest in doing a special edition of 1st RRP in Hawaii, so look forward to that coming in 2024.
Greetings, and thanks for reading the January 2024 Radio Reconnaissance Project quarterly newsletter! In hopes of spreading the word to more of the community, we would like to share what the non-profit has been doing for the past few months as well as what we have planned.
Past events and activities
In Q4 2023, we ran our platoon-themed poster fundraiser featuring the art of the Radio Reconnaissance Project’s VP of Social Media, Sean Otwell. Many thanks to everyone that supported that drive and to Sean for the fantastic artwork. We have received a lot of interest in doing a special edition of 1st RRP in Hawaii, so look forward to that coming in 2024.
During that time, we also opened applications to our second annual RRProject Scholarship Program. This year we, again, gave 3x scholarships (1x active duty, 1x veteran, and 1x family member), but we increased the grants to $1,500. This year’s active duty recipient is Josh Williamson at 2nd RRP. He is studying Computer Science at Norwich University. Our Veteran recipient is Kevin Sparkowich, formerly of RRT Bandit at 2nd RRP. He’s studying fine art at Parsons School of Design. Our family recipient is Savannah Lite, wife of Brett Lite at 3rd RRP. She is studying Nursing and currently working on her thesis including a case study report on Parkinson’s Disease. Many thanks to everyone that applied and congratulations to the winners. Good luck in your studies! We will open the application for the 2024-25 scholarships on the Marine Corps Birthday.
2024 RRProject Scholarship Recipients
Present and Future endeavors
In the coming months, we will once again support the training of the next generation of RRP Marines at the Radio Reconnaissance Operators Course (RROC). We provide financial support to cover the costs of RROC that platoon members have covered out-of-pocket for years. At the RROC, we will also award the 2nd annual RRP Marine of the Year Award. We will coordinate with current platoon leadership to finalize a winner from candidates nominated by their peers and leaders. We look forward to recognizing whoever is selected as the 2024 RRP Marine of the Year.
We are still planning our 2024 RRP reunion. If anyone in the community has any leads on a location that can accommodate the RRP community, please contact the RRProject. We look forward to having this event in California sometime in the summer or fall. More to follow.
Additionally, we would like to try something new: If you have any updates, announcements, or news that you want included in the next RRP newsletter to share with the community, send us an email with the details. These can be personal or professional updates.
Closing Remarks
Thanks again for being involved and reading our quarterly newsletter. We intend to have one of these sent out to our mailing list at the beginning of every quarter to keep you all up to date on what is happening in our community. In efforts to spread the word, please feel free to forward this newsletter to other members of the community. Feel free to reach out to us or fill in this form to be added to the mailing list for these and other announcements.
We would like to extend our sincerest and continued gratitude to everyone that has supported us financially through either personal or corporate donations; we would not be here without you. We appreciate your continued support as we provide various services to the Radio Reconnaissance community. As we look to continue and grow, please consider supporting our fundraising drives and/or donating to the non-profit in the future.
As always, feel free to reach out to us about anything RRP related. Also, follow us on social media to stay up to date on what we are doing. If you have any photos that you are willing to share, please reach out to our VP of Social Media so that we can continue to post and engage with our community.
Thanks again for reading and take care.
Semper Fidelis,
Radio Reconnaissance Project
Join the mailing list
Instagram: @radio_reconnaissance_project
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/radio-reconnaissance-project/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/radioreconnaissanceproject/
Website: https://www.radioreconnaissanceproject.com/
Quarterly Newsletter – Q4 2023
Going back to the beginning of the year, RRProject gave out three $1000 awards in our inaugural scholarship campaign. RRProject Board and Officers selected three winners (one each: active duty, veteran, and dependent) from a pool of applicants comprised of members from the RRP community who are currently pursuing academic or vocational programs.
Greetings, and thanks for reading the first-ever Radio Reconnaissance Project (RRProject) quarterly newsletter! In hopes of spreading the word to more of the community, we would like to share what the non-profit has been doing for the past few months as well as what we have planned.
Past events and activities
Going back to the beginning of the year, RRProject gave out three $1000 awards in our inaugural scholarship campaign. RRProject Board and Officers selected three winners (one each: active duty, veteran, and dependent) from a pool of applicants comprised of members from the RRP community who are currently pursuing academic or vocational programs. Congratulations once again to our winners and thanks to everyone who applied.
Later in the Spring, RRProject provided financial support to the Radio Reconnaissance Operators Course (RROC) as well as presenting the first-annual Radio Reconnaissance Marine of the Year award. This past year’s winner was a Sgt from 3rd RRP who was nominated by his peers and selected by the platoon sergeants for his steadfast dedication and stellar performance throughout the prior year. This award will be given out yearly at the end of the RROC to the Radio Reconnaissance Marine who best exemplifies what it means to be in the platoon.
In June, RRProject and Radio Reconnaissance Technologies (RRT) co-hosted the first-annual RRP Reunion at the Crucible facility in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Many thanks to Nick Hoben and the rest of the RRT and Crucible crew for their support in putting on a fantastic reunion of nearly eighty platoon members – past and present – and their families. The event featured a meet-and-greet followed by a platoon history panel, BBQ, shooting ranges, and overnight camping. It was great seeing so many people come out to spend time with the community, and we look forward to seeing even more next year. On that note, we have already started initial planning for next year’s reunion to be hosted somewhere in California. While we have a few ideas in mind for a venue, we are certainly open to suggestions from the RRP community. Please contact us if you have leads on a venue or ideas for the day.
RRP Reunion - 2023
2023 Radio Reconnaissance Reunion
On a final note from the past few months, RRProject has recently been granted tax-exempt status from the IRS. This will help immensely as the non-profit looks to grow and provide further services to the Radio Reconnaissance community.
Present and Future endeavors
Kicking off at the beginning of October and running until the Marine Corps Birthday, RRProject is running a fundraising drive featuring a poster series to commemorate the three platoons. Based upon the level of donation, RRProject will gift the donor a large or small platoon poster of their choosing (bundling options available) to be shipped at the completion of the fundraiser. Many thanks to our VP of Social Media, Sean Otwell, for his great artwork given for the series (see below) and to our VP of Technology, Jordan Johns, for setting up the poster fundraiser donation portal. Donations given between now and November 10th will receive a gift of the platoon posters seen below.
Platoon Poster Series
On the heels of the poster fundraiser, RRProject will once again be offering scholarships to members of the Radio Reconnaissance community who are actively pursuing academic or vocational programs. The application period will be opening on the Marine Corps Birthday and closing at midnight on December 31st, 2023. All past and present platoon members and their dependents are eligible to apply for the scholarships. Like last year, winners from each category – active duty, veteran, and dependent – will be selected by the Board and Officers in the new year. Stay tuned for future announcements regarding the RRProject Scholarship Program.
Closing Remarks
Thanks again for being involved and reading our first-ever quarterly newsletter. As mentioned, we intend to have one of these out to our mailing list to keep you all up to date on what is happening in our community. In efforts to spread the word, please feel free to forward this newsletter to other members of the community. Feel free to reach out to us or fill in this form to be added to the mailing list for these and other announcements.
We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone that has supported us financially through either personal or corporate donations; we would not be here without you. We appreciate your continued support as we provide various services to the Radio Reconnaissance community. As we look to continue and grow, please consider supporting our fundraising drives and/or donating to the non-profit in the future.
As always, feel free to reach out to us about anything RRP related. Also, follow us on social media to stay up to date on what we are doing. If you have any photos that you are willing to share, please reach out to our VP of Social Media so that we can continue to post and engage with our community.
Thanks again for reading and take care.
Semper Fidelis,
Radio Reconnaissance Project